Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Interpersonal Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interpersonal - Speech or Presentation Example Fredric Heider in his 2009 journal, Psychology of Interpersonal Relations,† effective interpersonal communication improves not only our communication skills but also influences our tactical approach of understanding our occupation through an insight of our social, cultural and economic background diversities† (p21). To relate with one another we must enhance knowledgeable interactions with the people we meet each day with whom we may have common point of interest or not. But how do we create and maintain long lasting social touch with these individuals? According to Wallace Domenici in his 2007 journal, Face Work: Bridging Theory and Practice,† lasting relations can be achieved through quality communication by understanding our diversities and using the learnt communication skills† (p12). This clearly shows that interpersonal communication serves to achieve qualities like charisma, confidence and optimism in my field of patient care. In reference to Edward Gri ffins 2009 book, A First Look at Communication Theory, â€Å"verbal and nonverbal communication, problem solving, listening skills, negotiation and assertiveness are supplement skills to effective interpersonal communication† (p1), these skills have impacted my field positively as I have handled patients from all corners effectively. We need to incorporate in our mindset that interpersonal communication is inevitable especially in this world where we are all interdependent to a greater or lesser extent. In order to improve the qualities, knowledge and skills in the patient care unit, I have come up with ideas that are a result of extensive observation of interactions between my workmates and the patients. Choosing the right words to the patients is the first creative idea as the patients solely rely on our directions and handling. Secondly, clarification of details will help the patients and fellow workmates to understand their obligations and follow simple rules as directed to them. One the third idea, working as a group will enhance smooth transfer and exchange of our skills to serve the patients in the best manner possible. This is necessitated by variety of needs of patients which may vary from one person’s specialization. Being assertive in expression of what I feel in the care unit will be a ground to improve my relations with colleagues and maintenance of sanity in the patients care unit. In addition to these ideas, reflection of one’s achievements and creation of rapport, will not only integrate the workforce in the patient unit but will also improve our working environment. Personally, extensive application of my interpersonal communication skills has improved by relations with the patient care fraternity in that I can freely express what I feel about various sections of our duties. My overall evaluation on the patients’ satisfaction with our services shows a positive index from the patient’s narrations. On the issue of value, patients are content with the current unit’s environment and psycho-social support the facility is offering According to Angelo Dalmas in his 2005 book, Social Penetration, † in order to incorporate global interests, proper social mechanisms of integration are prerequisite†(p3). Thus we need to solve complexities of interpersonal communication by asking ourselves the following set of questions as we communicate: Who are we? Who is our audience? Who does our audience think they are? Who do they think we are? What does our audience

Monday, February 10, 2020


THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES (SMS) ON THE INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS OF STUDENTS - Research Proposal Example He attributes this phenomenon to the ability to communicate with people having a set of common interests using SNS technology. For instance, SNS allow users to form groups based on a specific subject, allow private communication among select people and provide features to show or hide specific user information and messages based on a set of predefined rules. Such components allow users to establish and nurture virtual relationships regardless of geographical location. This virtual relationship among two or more individuals can be based on various factors including past associative history (classmates, neighbours etc.), love, business or any other form of social interaction. Traditionally, interpersonal relationships were limited to physical interaction through scenarios such as family, marriage, employment, social clubs etc., most of which come under the purview of legal frameworks, constraints and scrutiny. Social networking however is not restricted entirely within any of these boundaries and even facilitates the establishment of relationships among individuals who may have never met or seen before physically. Ozok (2009) stresses that this excitement behind the possibility to meet new people, particularly of the opposite sex, that encourages students using socials networking. He further adds that virtual interactions through SNS are also capable of influencing the relationships of users with people close to them and can be either good or bad i n the nature. The paper is a research proposal for studying the use of social networking among students in the age groups of 13-17 years. The proposed research topic was selected as it is evident that social networking is extremely popular among students and develops a major proportion of their activities performed through the Internet. Chatting with friends, posting messages or sharing photographs are some of the tasks that